I have had multiple dreams about adopting Siha. He is a beautiful 6 year old boy who regularly comes to CCPP. Without a common language, it is inevitably hard to communicate but even with this obstacle, Siha and I have an obvious connection. He finds me everyday to say hello and hold my hand, he eagerly shows me his paintings, and requests that we play and swim together. He lives with his family under a tarp in an open field. The walls are made of stacked bricks and the open structure provides little shelter during the rainy seasons afternoon downpours.
My dreams have been so fiercely vivid, that I wake up feeling prepared to change my life and bring him home with me. However, the reality is that he has a home and adoring family who love him. My selfish heart could hardly provide him with the same love he already receives. One of the many things I have learned while working with disadvantaged children is that they are incredibly loyal to their families, no matter what their circumstances are. Siha will just remain one of my amazing experiences working with Cambodian children.....and my biological adoption clock will just have to keep on ticking....
wow Nat. Beautiful kid, amazing experience. Glad he has a loving home though. I can't wait to catch up when you get back!